The Arab Federation for Digital Economy and the British company Scott Logic signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at reviewing and updating the current version of the Arab vision for the digital economy with a team of international experts around the world, where the team will review the latest technologies and new global practices in the field of digital transformation as well as the impact of the Covid pandemic. The world should issue the updated version of the vision and the indicative guide for the programs emanating from it.
The Arab vision for the digital economy, announced in December 2018, aims to rebuild and develop the economic systems in the Arab region, and support joint action efforts to promote and develop the digital economy, through a set of goals emanating from it, which amounted to 20 goals, and a set of programs and projects translated into these. The goals, which amount to 52 strategic programs, focused on 6 main areas, following a sectoral analysis of best practices in the business sectors, namely: health care, manufacturing, financial services, education, agriculture, and e-commerce.
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